
Ă€ta som farfar?



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jag vill prenumerera pć farfars nyhetsbrev

Är njurliknande, dĂ€rav sitt namn. Kidneybönor blir ok nĂ€r farfar kokar dem, men de Ă€r egentligen roligast pĂ„ burk. I chili sin carne gĂ„r det dĂ€remot bra med hemmakokade.

blötlÀggning: 10 timmar
koktid: 50 minuter
mÀngd protein: 22g per 100g
Warning: Undefined variable $res in /customers/8/6/3/farfarsfavoriter.com/httpd.www/inc/open_database.php on line 65 Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in /customers/8/6/3/farfarsfavoriter.com/httpd.www/auxilary_display.php:51 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /customers/8/6/3/farfarsfavoriter.com/httpd.www/auxilary_display.php on line 51